Licensing Poem

By Nicole Denise

Contracts, products, legal fuss
Agreements between you and us.
Bring it on- let’s sell some art!
Through distribution with a heart.

Let's dot some i's and cross some t's,
Sell domestically and overseas.
No detail will be overlooked
In business, sketches, keeping books.

Need some fancy illustrations?
Need some swirls to bring elation
To your consumers far and wide?
Art’s not something we should hide.

Let’s print it everywhere we can-
On lamp shades, curtains, garbage cans.
The world is bland- Let’s jazz it up-
Call or write or email us.

Your products have a surface blank,
They need some art or sales will tank.
People don't want boring stuff-
So add some art- it's not that tough.

We'll work with you on layout shapes,
Ensure that all the art we make
Will fit on templates of your size
You won't believe your art-starved eyes.

So now's the time-
The world is fractured
It needs some drawings manufactured
To change the face of retail shelves
We can't keep color to ourselves!

Every surface is a chance
To make a statement with our hands
Through designing like we do-
We would love to work with you!

Terms of sale and retail costs,
Price mark-ups to avoid a loss
Quantities of minimum-
Licensing is a synonym
For changing people's scopes of view
And giving mankind something new
To buy so they'll enjoy themselves
With awesome art on every shelf!

So if you're wondering what to do
With blank samples in front of you,
We hold the key to make them better
So, how about we start working together?!

The End.

Contact: 1-877-SO-VIVID, 1-877-768-4843

Nicole Denise Designs- Retailers